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Trade Finance in the Mekong Region

A study of Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Viet Nam

Description :

An expansion in trade finance, such as loans and guarantees, in the Mekong region could lead to greater integration of Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Viet Nam into world trade. It could also lead to more inclusiveness, with increased participation in global supply chains by small businesses and women-owned enterprises. This publication presents the results of two surveys undertaken by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and an analysis of the data by the WTO.

The publication is intended to serve as a guide to how domestic financial sectors can reorient their operations to support cross-border trade and enhanced access to global markets.

Published December 2023 | 92 pages | 280 x 215 mm | Weight: 0.300 kg


Executive summary

1. Trade profiles of the Mekong
Trade flows in the Mekong
Exports and imports in the Mekong
Product diversification
Trade of goods at different stages of processing
Competitiveness and trade costs
Participation in global value chains

2. Trade finance in the Mekong
Local trade finance markets
Trade finance instruments
Trade finance across sectors
Trade finance for firms owned or led by women
Trade finance for climate-related activities
Trade finance constraints
Supply chain finance and reverse factoring
Trade finance rejection rates
Correspondent banking relationships
Trade finance costs

3. The impact of closing the trade finance gap
The costs of financing international trade under different instruments
Five counterfactual scenarios
Projected trade cost reductions
Projected changes in aggregate exports and imports
Zooming in on trade patterns: detailed results for sectors and trading partners
Robustness checks

4. Conclusions

Annex I. Mekong-3 trade and global value chain performance
Annex II. Estimating total trade finance assets: methodology
Annex III. Technical counterfactual analysis

Édition :

Net price : 30.00 CHF

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