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Panorama de l'Aide pour le commerce 2022:

Favoriser le commerce connecté et durable

Description :

This report co-published by OECD and the WTO analyses the evolution of Aid for Trade flows in a context marked by crises of unprecedented magnitude, with significant impacts on trade and investment. Under the theme “Empowering Connected, Sustainable Trade”, it shows that Aid for Trade was an important tool in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and can help address emerging challenges, such as the environmental and digital transitions while ensuring that no one is left behind.

Recent data indicate that a shift is under way to put sustainability, including green transition and women’s empowerment, at the heart of Aid for Trade, and point to its potential to support an inclusive and sustainable recovery.

Published July 2022 | 246 pages | 297 x 210 mm | Weight: 0.800 kg


> Foreword, Acknowledgements, Acronyms and abbreviations, Executive summary

Chapter 1: Key facts and figures
Chapter 2: Aid for Trade during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery
Chapter 3: Aid for Trade and the Sustainable Development Goals
Chapter 4: Aid for Trade country profiles

Annex A. Statistical note
Annex B. Aid for Trade key data

Édition :

Net price : 50.00 CHF

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