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Faciliter les échanges grâce à la coopération réglementaire

Le cas des accords et comités OTC / SPS de l'OMC

Description :

The WTO plays an important role in supporting efforts to achieve international regulatory cooperation (IR C) and to facilitate trade. First, the WTO provides a multilateral framework for trade among its 164 members, with a view to ensuring that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible. Second, the WTO’s Agreements provide important legal disciplines, helping to promote good regulatory practice and IR C at the domestic level as a means of reducing unnecessary barriers to trade.

This publication highlights how the WTO’s Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and the work of their related Committees promote opportunities for regulatory cooperation among governments and ease trade frictions. It demonstrates how members’ notification of draft measures, harmonisation of measures with international standards, discussion of specific trade concerns and other practices help to facilitate global trade in goods. The study also makes recommendations on how to benefit further from the transparency and cooperation opportunities provided by the TBT and SPS Agreements.

Published July 2019 | 104 pages | 297 X 210 mm | Weight: 0.400 kg

Table of contents:

> Foreword, Executive Summary and Introduction

Chapter 1
The importance of regulatory cooperation and the role of the WTO
Chapter 2
Broader context for cooperation on trade policy within the WTO
Chapter 3
The role of the TBT and SPS Agreements in promoting IRC
in members’ domestic rulemaking
Chapter 4
The role of the TBT and SPS Committees in supporting
cooperation between members
Chapter 5
Improving the TBT and SPS frameworks
Readers’ guide

Édition :

Net price : 30.00 CHF

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