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Technical Barriers to Trade - 3rd edition

The WTO Agreements Series

Description :

This new edition provides an overview of the purpose and scope of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), the types of measures it covers, and the key principles of the Agreement. It aims at enhancing understanding of the TBT Agreement.

The TBT Agreement aims to ensure that product requirements in regulations and standards - on safety, quality, health, etc. – and procedures for assessing product compliance with such requirements (testing, inspection, accreditation, etc.) are not unjustifiably discriminatory and do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade.

This handbook sets out the key principles of the TBT Agreement and discusses how these have been addressed in recent disputes brought under this Agreement. The publication looks into requirements on transparency, a cornerstone of the TBT Agreement, and describes the mandate, role and work of the TBT Committee.

The publication contains the full text of the TBT Agreement, a compilation of decisions and recommendations by the TBT Committee over the past 25 years and a list of observers in the TBT Committee.

Published March 2021 | 196 pages | 210 x 150 mm | Weight: 0.300 kg
This 3rd edition supersedes the previous versions

The basic structure of WTO agreements

The TBT Agreement
Key principles
Quality infrastructure
Disputes brought under the TBT Agreement

Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (the legal text)

Edition :

Net price : 30.00 CHF

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