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World Trade Report 2015

Speeding up trade: benefits and challenges of implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

Description :

The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), which was agreed by WTO members at the Ministerial Conference in Bali in December 2013, is the first multilateral trade agreement concluded since the establishment of the WTO in 1995. The 2015 World Trade Report is the first detailed study of the potential impacts of the TFA based on a full analysis of the final agreement text.

The Report's findings are consistent with existing studies on the scale of potential benefits from trade facilitation, but it goes further by identifying and examining in detail a range of other benefits from the TFA. These include diversification of exports from developing countries and least-developed countries to include new products and partners, increased involvement of these countries in global value chains, expanded participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in international trade, increased foreign direct investment, greater revenue collection and reduced incidence of corruption.

The TFA is also highly innovative in the way it allows each developing and least-developed country to self-determine when and how they will implement the provisions of the Agreement, and what capacity building support they will require in order to do so. To ensure that developing and least-developed countries receive the support they need to implement the Agreement.

Published October 2015 | 252 pages | 297 x 210 mm | Weight 0.900 kg

> Contents, acknowledgements, disclaimer, DG Foreword and Executive Summary

I- The world economy and trade in 2014 and early 2015

II-Speeding up trade: benefits and challenges of implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

> A. Introduction

> B. Trade facilitation in context

> C. The theory and measurement of trade facilitation

> D. Estimating the benefits of the Trade Facilitation Agreement

> E. The challenges of implementing the Trade Facilitation Agreement

> F. Conclusions

> Bibliography, Technical notes, Abbreviations and symbols, List of figures, tables and boxes, WTO members, Previous World Trade Reports

Edition :

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